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Written by Robert J. Daigle, BA, RVT, FSVU, FSDMS
Published By Summer Publishing, LLC.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) affects 8-12 million Americans and over 200 million individuals worldwide. PAD often goes undetected, as symptoms, if present, are attributed to other causes (old age, arthritis, etc.).
This pocket guide explains, in clear, concise and comprehensive fashion, the non-invasive methods used to detect and quantify arterial occlusive disease in the upper and lower extremities.
Protocols follow the new recommendations of the American Heart Association.
Chapters include:
Anatomy, physiology and hemodynamics.
Instrumentation-Tools of the Trade.
Arterial physiologic testing of lower extremities.
Physiologic testing of upper extremities.
Illustrated case studies with discussion of results.
Abbreviated, efficient protocol recommendations.
Reimbursement guidelines; plus CPT, ICD-10 CM codes.
6 x 9” size, spiral bound, 138 pages
Protocols follow the new recommendations of the American Heart Association.
CMEs are no longer available for this book.