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Duplex Evaluation of Aneurysms/Pseudo-aneurysm and Evaluation of Arterial Bypass Grafts-DVD

Presented by Robert J. Daigle, BA, RVT, FSVU, FSDMS.

Produced by Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute


Duplex Evaluation of Aneurysm/Pseudo-aneurysm and Arterial Bypass Grafts Training Video is designed to provide an introduction to the color/duplex ultrasound evaluation of aneurysms, pseudo-aneurysms and ultrasound evaluation of arterial bypass grafts. Scan protocols, diagnostic criteria, and case studies are included.


Sonographers, sonography students,physicians, physician assistants and other medical professionals involved with performing and/or interpreting peripheral vascular ultrasound examinations. Physician participants may include (but are not limited to) those involved with internal medicine, cardiology, radiology, neurology, general/vascular surgery, and primary care.


• Evaluation of aortic aneurysm

• Popliteal aneurysm

• Pseudo-aneurysm

• Thrombin injection surveillance techniques

• Evaluation of lower extremity arterial bypass grafts


Upon completion of this video activity, you should be able to accomplish the following:

• Cite the sonographic appearance of an abdominal aortic and popliteal aneurysm;

• List the diagnostic criteria for aneurysm evaluation;

• List the etiology of pseudo-aneurysm;

• Recognize the duplex/color characteristics associated with pseudoaneurysm;

• List the treatment options for pseudo-aneurysm, bypass grafts and stents

• State the various types of arterial bypass grafts

• Outline protocols & diagnositic criteria for duplex/color evaluation of arterial bypass grafts and stents

Release date 04/18/2019. This edition valid for credit through: 04/18/2022

1.25 AMA PRA Cat.1 CME credits available. See CME INFORMATION link on Home Page.

Ship Wt. 1 lb.

Availability: Usually ships the next business day

Duplex Evaluation of Aneurysms/Pseudo-aneurysm and Evaluation of Arterial Bypass Grafts VL-DEAP3$99.00