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All of our CME tests are now online and available through this portal.
Upon successfully completing and studying the textbook Techniques in Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis-5th Edition, participants can earn 19 CME/CEU credits from the Society for Vascular Ultrasound (SVU).
There are 70 multiple-choice questions, and all questions must be answered. A passing score is 70% or greater. If you fail the test, you can take the exam one more time at no additional cost.
CME CERTIFICATE. After passing the test, your CME certificate will be available for immediate download.
The certificate and CME information can be uploaded to the ARDMS CME Bank. The certificate should be retained for possible ARDMS random audits. Summer Publishing does not convey nor upload your CME information to your registry or accreditation organizations.
Select a link below to access one of the various CME tests. The test content is the same, but payment options vary.
For applicants using the Book Code as proof of book purchase, payment is by credit card or PayPal.
The VascuLab test is for customers who have received a 5-digit coupon serial number code. Please select the appropriate option. THESE TESTS ARE FOR THE 5th EDITION of TECHNIQUES.
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 Click Here on the icon to the access online Unetixs CME test for Techniques in Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis 5th edition.

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